1. KAYJ forum links Jews worldwide
We are happy to announce of a new page that has been added to our site - the KAYJ forum (www.kayj.org/forum) [www.kayj.net/forum]. In this page our visitors can write questions and answers about the nusach and the minhogim, vote on different requests, read about KAYJ and more, (it is moderated, so please read the instructions for posting on the forum).
Many many thanks to R' Eliyahu Goldberg (London) for putting up the page, and for all of the time, effort and resources he put in so that this page will work properly and nicely. At this time we would like to thank him again for making and hosting the site in general, תהי משכורתו שלמה מעם השם.
2. Mazel tov's
Mazel tov to R' Boruch Heinemann and his wife on the birth of a baby boy.
Mazel tov to R' Yitzchok Freund and his wife on the engagement of their daughter.
Mazel to to R' Chayim Shmu'eli (Samuel) and his wife on the engagement of their first granddaughter.
Mazel tov to R' Michael Friedman and his wife on the birth of a baby boy (Shlomo).
Mazel tov to R' Me'ir Erlanger and his wife on the birth of their grandson.
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Newsletter #10
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