On Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecho, י חשון תשס"ט, the 8th of November 2008, our dear friend and member Danny Verdoner passed away.
This was a tremendous shock for his family and Kehilloh, who gathered to the Levayoh which was held on Motzoei Shabbos and went to הר המנוחות in Jerusalem.
Beneath are links to some of the הספדים which were said (in Hebrew).
Harav Gans Shlito, at the Levayoh
Harav Hamburger, at the Levayoh
Harav Gans Shlito, after the Shivoh
Harav Gans Shlito also wrote a nusach of יזכור, which is said every Shabbos at KAYJ.
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