Fourteen years after its cornerstone-laying ceremony, K’hal Adas Yeshurun (Ramot) finally celebrated Pesach in its new shul.
For twenty-two years, the kehillah davened together every Shabbos in a local miklat (bomb shelter), outfitted as a shul. Yet we all hoped that one day we would be zocheh to our own building. 
So what happened to speed up the process?
Like kehillos the world over, we were struggling to come to terms with the daily realities of COVID-19. On a communal level, the challenges were enormous, since a miklat, by definition, is a small, enclosed space. How could we fulfill the requirement to daven with a minyon over the Yomim Noro’im of 5781 while keeping our members safe?
The Solution
Why not move into our new home? we wondered. The one we laid the cornerstone for…nearly fourteen years ago? 
And so with a generous gift from an anonymous donor, an enthusiastic contractor, and a hefty dose of siyata dishmaya, we got to work. During Tishrei, we used the building in its most basic state. Following the Yomim Tovim, we moved back to our miklat for four months so that we could complete the interior of the beis midrash and the entrance hall. On Shabbos Parshas Shekolim, Rosh Chodesh Ador, we moved into our new home. Enjoy the attached pictures!
Our shul is still only partially built. The beis midrash we are currently using was filled to capacity on Pesach. We welcome all donations to help us complete the final two floors – including the main shul – and invite you to share in the zechus of reviving minhagei Ashkenaz. 
To help us finish building our shul, please visit www.kayj.net/contributions.