1) Davening on חנוכה:
Visitors to Jerusalem - please join us for Minyonim on חנוכה:
Shacharis is at 7:00, and Ma'ariv (beginning with candle-lighting) is at 5:45.
The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein). Please call 052-761-1890 for directions, or click here.
For a detailed timetable, please click here.
2) Donations through credit card:
We now have the option of accepting donations to shul by credit card, through "Nedarim Plus". Yizkor or Yahrzeit pledges can be donated through this system.
Please click here for a direct link:
3) Mazal Tov:
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Meir Erlanger on the wedding of their granddaughter.
Mazal Tov to Moreinu Rav Don Ison and Rebbetzin Ison on the birth of their grandson.
Mazal Tov to Moreh Moreinu Harav and the Rebbetzin on the birth of their grandson.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Menasheh Steiglitz on the birth and the Bris of their son.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Eli Bloch on the bringing of their son's Wimpel to shul.