1) The first stage of the building is finished:
We are very happy to inform our friends and supporters, that we have finished building the structure for the first stage of the KAYJ בית אשכנז (see picture attached). You can see the building progress, and the artist rendering of the completed shul at the "building" section of the site.
We would like to thank everyone who donated towards the first stage of the building, and we are looking forward to continue with the second stage as soon as funding is available.
All donations to KAYJ are tax deductible in the USA and in Israel, and can be done via the site (http://www.kayj.net/contributions) or by check.
We request all of our friends and supporters to heed the call and help uplift this house of Hashem! (Dedication opportunities are available in our site).
2) Bar Mitzvah, Rav Hamburger and Prof. Friedman:
On שבת שופטים, Rav Hamburger came to KAYJ, to celebrate the bar mitzvah of Dan Friedman, son of R' and Mrs. Michael Friedman. The choir sung at night and in the morning, the bar mitzvah boy read the פרשה, and his 9 year old brother read the הפטרה.
Rav Hamburger spoke about his feelings regarding the building of the shul and the bar mitzvah. The summary of his speech is as follows:
We have just seen the beginning of the building of the beautiful shul which will be standing in the heights of Jerusalem. This shul was very important for the bar mitzvah boy's great-grandfather, Prof. Friedman, and there is no question that if he would be here with us, and hear the way his great-grandson, Dan, read the פרשה, and the way his little brother, Elazar, read the הפטרה, he would be full of happiness and pride.
Who would believe, that within the holy city of Jerusalem, the old Jewish-German traditions and melodies would be revived!
It is no secret, that the deep love R' Michael Friedman has to the Ashkenaz melodies, came from his grandfather, Prof. Friedman.
Prof. Friedman cared so much about the shul and was excited that his grandson was building a shul in his family's tradition. I cannot forget the happiness he had when he bent down to cast the foundations! (see picture below).
The shul is located in one of the highest places in Jerusalem, and will be seen from far away. We all hope to see the shul built in the close future, בורא עולם בקנין השלם זה הבנין.
3) Davening on צום גדליה:
We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem today צום גדליה– please join us for the Davening.
מנחה is at 5:45 and מעריב is at 6:52. (מוצאי צום in Jerusalem is at 6:55).
4) Mazal Tov:
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Eliyahu Lewin on the wedding of their daughter.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Michael Friedman on the bar mitzvah of their son.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Shmuel Kaplan on the birth of their granddaughter.
שנה טובה, וחתימה טובה!