White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K

20 מרס 2008 14:53 #193 מאת rallisw
1) Is one supposed to wear a white kaepchen [i.e. Yarmulke, Kippa] on Rosh Hashonoh and Yom Kippur? Is there a specific design for the kaepchen?

2) Is a Jeckish Sargenes different from an eastern european Kittel?

3) I understand that the tallis worn on Rosh Hashonoh, Shabbos Tshuvoh, and Yom Kippur is a white tallis with white stripes.

Should one wear one's tallis over one's head for all tefillos on Yom Kippur, if one usually just wears a hat during davening? I understand according to Rabbi J.B. Soloveichik Z"L, those davening are in someway like a beis din and as such require one to wear a tallis over one's head at all times.


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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21 מרס 2008 03:53 #196 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The white kaepchen is worn both by Bochurim and by adults in Rosh Hashono at Shacharis and Musaf, and at all of the tefillos of Yom Kippur.

The original sargenes is similar to the tachrichim, closed from the front and from behind, and is put on over the head. (Last Rosh Hashono, a newly married person from our Kehilla, had an original Sargenes sewed for him).

As the kaepchen and the sargenes are white, many also wear a white Tallis with white stripes. Women too try to wear white clothes on Yomim Noro'im.


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24 מרס 2008 00:59 #197 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The old minhag was to wear the Tallis over the head at all Tefillos. Even though this usually was not practiced throughout the whole year in the 19th century, on Yomim Noro'im the old minhag was usually kept (this pattern can be seen in other minhogim too, even when minhogim get changed, many times on Yomom Noro'im the old minhag is still practiced).

Michael FRBSH

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02 אפר 2008 13:29 #222 מאת golusyekke
תגובה מgolusyekke בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
My understanding is that aveilim r"l wore a black kepchen on the yomim noraim.


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07 אפר 2008 18:12 #230 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The minhag in Frankfurt was that Aveilim wear the (white) Sargenes under their suit, and they wear a black head covering (with the white kaepchen underneath it), and wear their weekday tallis with a black ending.
I'd be very interested to know if there is a place that the aveilim wore black kittels - is there a picture of how they look?


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24 ספט 2008 13:25 #624 מאת meirk
תגובה מmeirk בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Is there a minhog to wear a white yarmulke during the aseres yemei teshuvo? Or is the minhog only to do so at R"H and Y"K davenings?

And what else is there a minhog to have white during those days? I saw someone that his tallis bag in asseres yemei teshuvo is white too.


Meir Koschland

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25 ספט 2008 04:00 #628 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The Minhag is to wear the white yarmulke only on Rosh Hashono and Yom Kippur when one wears the sargenes (kittel).
In addition, it was quite common to wear a white Tallis (with white stripes) at these days.

Michael FRBSH

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28 ספט 2008 03:20 #633 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
I wear a white Yarmulke from the beginning of Selichous until going to Minchoh on Hoshannoh Rabboh afternoon. The reason for this is....

Many years ago I wore a white Yarmulke to work - for whatever reason - during Selichous week. Somebody challenged me about it, to which I told him that it is cut differently so it feels different on the head - to remind me that it is time to do Teshuvah. The fellow smirked at the statement.

When I came to work on Zom Gedalyoh, he told me, "Yehuda , you inspired me. I went to Shul for the first time in many years this Rosh Hashonoh. It was good & I may continue going!"

I never followed up on this, but it is definitely enough of a reason to keep on wearing it the whole period. You will never know whom you will inspire.

Ksiva Vachasima Tova

Yehuda Nathan

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22 ספט 2009 13:24 #1417 מאת Daniel
תגובה מDaniel בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
What is the source to wear a kittel on Rosh Hashanah? How come not everybody does?


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22 ספט 2009 23:18 #1419 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
My family custom is to wear a white kippa and tallis on RH, YK and Hoshanna Rabbah and white kittel on RH and YK (but not HR)
On Shabbos Shuva I wear a white tallis, but my regular black velvet Shabbos kippah.
I'm not sure, but I think I have heard that even though German Jews wear a tallis before married, they do not have a special white tallis for the the Yomin Noraim until then.
Also, I believe that Rav Soleveitchik said that unmarried Eastern European men who ordinarily don't wear a tallis should do so on YK.


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27 ספט 2009 04:14 - 07 יונ 2017 00:37 #1426 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Wearing a Kittel or Sargenes, and a white Kaepchen is a very old Minhag, which we find already in the Rishonim. (In KAYJ we have white Kaepchens which we give to members who do not have one).
You can see more about this in the book Minhogei Worms, siman קל"ו he'oro א.

The white Tallis is a very new Minhag which we find first only after WWI.

Michael FRBSH

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29 ספט 2009 00:58 #1428 מאת Altgold
תגובה מAltgold בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Please excuse my ignorance but can you describe the Kaepchen and how it differs from a yarmulke? Where can one obtain one?

Also, I would be very interested to obtain a pattern for the sargenes that you have described or is it possible to purchase or obtain these somehow too?

Since it is my understanding that the MA is not to have the chatan wear a kittel under the chupah, does a bar mitzvah aged boy begin to wear the kittel or sargenes at R'H and Y"K following his Bar Mitzvah? Along with donning a tallit?

If one does not have a sargenes, is it correct to assume that the kittel is an acceptable substitute?

Thank you,


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29 אוק 2009 03:51 #1473 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The white Kaepchen stands up higher then a regular Kippa, and is similar to the black Kippas the old Rabbonim wear.
One starts wearing the Sargenes only after he is married for 1 year.
Most people in KAYJ do not have a Sargenes, and wear a Kittel instead. (One person in the Kehilloh had is sister sew for him a Sargenes, but other then that it is not something you find usually in stores).


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29 אוק 2009 14:19 #1474 מאת rallisw
תגובה מrallisw בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
What is the difference, practically speaking, between a Kittel and a Sargenes?

[The one I wear is made of 100% white linen, I slip it over my head, it has no buttons, the sleeves go to my palms, and the bottom reaches my shoes. Is this considered a Sargenes?]


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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30 אוק 2009 17:59 #1477 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K

Rallis wrote: The one I wear is made of 100% white linen, I slip it over my head, it has no buttons, the sleeves go to my palms, and the bottom reaches my shoes. Is this considered a Sargenes?

That would definitely be considered a Sargenes, (although cotton is OK too).
An Elzas Sargenes can be obtained at France, in the following address:
Manufacture de Ridaux
6 rue du Noyer
67000 Strasbourg
Fax: 03-88-45-07-51

Michael FRBSH

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